After a tragic incident, brothers Sean and Daniel Diaz run away from home for fear of the police. They set out on the long, arduous journey to Puerto Lobos, Mexico, their father’s hometown.
Suddenly, sixteen-year-old Sean is responsible for Daniel’s safety, upbringing, and understanding of right and wrong. For all evil, they must deal with Daniel’s newly manifested, telekinetic power – the power to move things with his thoughts.
As Daniel’s strength grows, it’s up to Sean to set the rules by which they live. Do they keep the power secret or use it to help them on the journey? Begging, borrowing, or stealing? Turn to her family or hide?
Sean’s decisions shape the fate of the Diaz brothers and all those who encounter them.
From Seattle to Portland to California, past petrol stations, abandoned huts, alleys, and forests… – the road to Mexico is long and full of dangers, but also full of friendship, wonder,s and opportunities.
The journey puts the relationship of the two brothers to a hard test. Will they be up to this?
Life is Strange 2 contains episodes 1 to 4* on the disc (*Episode 5 can be obtained separately from the Playstation Store via the enclosed coupon code. Sony Entertainment Network account and broadband Internet connection required. ), the bonus game “The Fantastic Adventures of Captain Spirit” plus “Arcadia Bay” patch and a Hawt Dawg Man keyring for Sean’s in-game backpack (digital).
– Award-winning narrative
– Stunning graphics and hand-painted textures
– Emotional original soundtrack
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